Class engine
Class engine
represents the core of the entire simulation and takes care of the actual execution of the processes simulated. By storing the objects of the simulation and by building a queue of event objects, the simulation is executed in all its parts. It also provides a subscription system that allows the user to “subscribe” to the desired events of the simulation, in order to gather only the required data without wasting computational time.
Public nested classes
class tag
Class tag
is what allows to identify any object of the simulation with a series of system-defined and user-defined tags. By including this class inside the implementation of an object like molecule
, it is possible to distinguish any typology of molecule
with any desired tag.
builds the object
const size_t & id() const
gets the id tag.
const size() const
gets the number of tags that characterizes the object.
const size_t & references() const
gets the number of references that the object has inside the queue of events inside the engine. (this element is fundamental for the correct implementation of the
method in theengine
unit8_t operator [] (const size_t & i) const
returns the i-th tag.
Private methods
void add(const unit8_t & tag)
adds the given tag to the object.
void remove(const unit8_t & tag)
removes the given tag from the object.
Private operators
Incremental and decremental operators are implemented in order to quickly manage the _references
variable, which keeps track of the number of references to the object inside of the event system.
Public members
resetter reset
see documentation about resetter for more informations.
engine(const size_t & fineness)
builds an engine with a grid of given fineness.
destroys the engine.
const size_t & fineness() const
gets the fineness of the engine’s grid.
void elasticity(const double & elasticity)
sets the elasticity for all the collisions between molecules.
void elasticity(const unit8_t & tag, const double & elasticity)
sets the elasticity for all the collisions that involve a molecule with the given tag
void elasticity(const unit8_t & alpha_tag, const unit8_t & beta_tag, const double & elasticity)
sets the elasticity for all the collisions that involve two molecules with the given
, respectively.
size_t add(const molecule & molecule)
adds the given molecule to the engine. Returns the id of the molecule, given by the engine.
size_t add(const bumper & bumper)
adds the given bumper to the engine. Returns the id of the bumper, given by the engine.
void remove(const size_t & id)
removes the molecule with the given id form the engine.
void tag(const size_t & id, const unit8_t & tag)
assigns the given tag to the molecule with the given id.
void untag(const size_t & id, const unit8_t & tag)
removes the given tag from the molecule with the given id.
void run(const double & time)
executes the simulation UNTIL the given time.
template <typename type, typename lambda, typename std :: enable_if <std :: is_same <type, molecule> :: value> :: type * = nullptr> void each(const lambda & function) const
given a lambda function that takes for argument a
, it executes the lambda function to eachmolecule
inside the engine. -
template <typename type, typename lambda, typename std :: enable_if <std :: is_same <type, molecule> :: value> :: type * = nullptr> void each(const uint8_t & tag, const lambda & function) const
given a lambda function that takes for argument a
, it executes the lambda function to eachmolecule
inside the engine that has the given tag. -
template <typename type, typename lambda, typename std :: enable_if <std :: is_same <type, bumper> :: value> :: type * = nullptr> void each(const lambda & function) const
given a lambda function that takes for argument a
, it executes the lambda function to eachbumper
inside the engine. -
template <typename etype, typename lambda, typename std :: enable_if <std :: is_same <etype, events :: molecule> :: value || std :: is_same <etype, events :: bumper> :: value> :: type * = nullptr> size_t on(const lambda & function)
given a lambda function that takes as argument a
const report <events :: molecule>
or aconst report <events :: bumper>
, the engine registers it as a subscription and will execute it from now on with all the events of the chosen type. Returns the id of the subscription. -
template <typename etype, typename lambda, typename std :: enable_if <std :: is_same <etype, events :: molecule> :: value || std :: is_same <etype, events :: bumper> :: value> :: type * = nullptr> size_t on(const uint8_t & tag, const lambda & function)
given a lambda function that takes as argument a
const report <events :: molecule>
or aconst report <events :: bumper>
, the engine registers it as a subscription and will execute it from now on with all the events of the chosen type that involve a molecule with the given tag. Returns the id of the subscription. -
template <typename etype, typename lambda, typename std :: enable_if <std :: is_same <etype, events :: molecule> :: value> :: type * = nullptr> size_t on(const uint8_t & alpha_tag, const uint8_t & beta_tag, const lambda & function)
given a lambda function that takes as argument a
const report <events :: molecule>
, the engine registers it as a subscription and will execute it from now on with all theevent :: molecule
s that involve two molecules with the given tags. Returns the id of the subscription. -
template <typename etype, typename std :: enable_if <std :: is_same <etype, events :: molecule> :: value || std :: is_same <etype, events :: bumper> :: value> :: type * = nullptr> void unsubscribe(const size_t & id);
given the id of the subscription, cancels the subscription.
Private methods
double elasticity(const molecule & alpha, const molecule & beta)
Given 2 molecules, access the corresponding elasticity value, depending on the molecules’ tag, and then returns it. This method is called when building molecule collision events.
void refresh(molecule & molecule, const size_t & skip)
Given a molecule, the engine explore all the possible future collisions for the molecule in its current condition, considering the elements in the grid neighborhoods. If a tag is give as
, it will ignore the molecules with the given tag. -
void incref(molecule & molecule, const size_t &)
Increments the molecule’s reference count. This particular function signature is used so that it’s possible to use the method
. -
void decref(molecule & molecule, const size_t &)
Decrements the molecule’s reference count. This particular function signature is used so that it’s possible to use the method
. -
void collect()
Activates the garbage collector of the engine and deletes the molecules that are both marked for elimination and without references in the event system.