Class resetter
Class resetter
is a component of engine
that allows the user to reset the energy of any molecule or group of molecules into any desired value, maintaining all the internal proportions.
Service nested classes
class energy
Actual part of the class that implements the energy reset system.
energy(engine & engine)
void id(const size_t & id, const double & energy)
resets the energy of the molecule with given id to the given energy value.
void tag(const unit8_t & tag, const double & energy)
resets the energy of all the molecules with the given tag to the given energy value.
void all(const double & energy)
resets the energy of all the molecules to the given energy value.
Public members
energy energy
by placing the service nested class
as a member, it is possible for the user to request resets in a nice format. (, 1);
is anengine
that has aresetter
is actually contained intoreset
Private constructor
resetter(engine & engine)
We place this constructor as private since we want it to be callable only by
friend class engine