Class secant
Class secant
implements the secant method for a generic lambda function that takes a double
as argument.
Example usage
auto function = [&](const double & x)
return x * x - 4;
std :: cout << secant :: compute(function, -5, 0) << std :: endl; // Prints -2
std :: cout << secant :: compute(function, -0, 5) << std :: endl; // Prints 2
Static members
static constexpr double epsilon
machine epsilon considered for the computation
static constexpr unsigned int rounds
maximum number of iterations before forced timeout
Static methods
template <typename type, typename std :: enable_if <secant :: valid <type> :: value> :: type *> double secant :: compute(const type & f, double a, double b)
using secant method, returns the zero of function inside the range [lower_bound, upper_bound]. The templatization, with the help of the Service nested classes, checks if the passed function
is a valid type function. If not, you will get a compilation error.REMARK: works only if in the given range the zero is unique and the function is monotonic